What We Stand For
A Safer America
As essential security officers, we understand how dangerous the world can be. Today Americans are highly concerned about their personal safety–and rightly so. Our worries concerning safety cross the spectrum — from accidents, to theft, violent crime, to major emergencies and concerns over the global pandemic.
Good Jobs for our Communities
Security officers are standing up for jobs that will allow us to work hard for decent housing, quality healthcare, adequate nutrition, access to education, and a dignified retirement. Good jobs will enable us to not only sustain our families but also to spend time with our children and raise them according to our values. Good jobs will also help us sustain our communities by leaving us with more time to volunteer and more money to spend in local businesses and to pay taxes to support local hospitals, schools, and public safety departments.
Economic Fairness
In 2020, the revenue for the five largest security companies was over $16.4 billion in the United States alone. In 2021, the industry is more consolidated than ever, and the security services market size is expected to increase 4.3% across the country. Today, security officers are fighting to ensure that the profits and success of the industry translate into high-quality services and good jobs for officers by joining together in a union and negotiating improvements at the bargaining table. For the sake of our families, our communities, and in fundamental fairness, essential security officers deserve to be paid a fair wage, have adequate benefits, training, and respect.
Corporate Responsibility
Corporations — including those in the security industry — are growing larger and more powerful every day. As employees and as citizens, we must work together with elected officials and community leaders to hold these corporations accountable to our local communities.